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Samer holds the Canada Research Chair in Technology, Management & Healthcare at the Desautels Faculty of Management at McGill University. He is head of the research group on Complex Collaboration, and director of the Desautels PhD program. He has made fundamental contributions to organizational coordination with a focus on complex collaboration in healthcare, and how emergent technologies are transforming organizing. His current research focuses on complex collaboration in settings as diverse as health care organizations, knowledge teams, and online communities. He is also interested in how emergent social technologies are transforming organizations and allowing new forms of coordination and organizing to emerge. 

Among the most highly cited Management scholars in Canada, he has published over 95 journal articles, refereed proceedings, and book chapters in outlets such as: Management Science, Organization Science, MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, Journal of AIS, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Computer Mediated Communication, Business Horizon, OMICS, and Annals of Emergency Medicine. He has recently completed terms as senior editor at Organization Science (2006-2012) and at Information Systems Research (2012-2014). In addition, he serves on the editorial board of three other journals. He has won multiple best paper awards, most recently the AIS 2012 Best Published Paper Award and the 2013 Desautels Best Doctoral Advisor Award. Institutions such as SSHRC, NSF, IBM, the Fulbright foundation, and the Government of Quebec have funded his research.

He leads this research group on Complex Collaboration.

Prof. Ellen MacPhee Abrams


Ellen is an Assistant Professor in Institute for the History & Philosophy of Science & Technology at University of Toronto. She earned her PhD from the Department of Science and Technology Studies at Cornell University. Her research examining the historical and contemporary production of knowledge has been funded by the National Science Foundation, the National Academy of Sciences, and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council. She is currently collaborating with other McGill researchers on a project exploring the co-production of knowledge and collaboration in large-scale "open" scientific networks.

Prof. Bijan Azad


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Bijan is an Associate Professor at the Olayan School of Business (OSB), American University of Beirut and the Director of Samih Darwazah Center for Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship. He pioneered the popular experiential Entrepreneurship Practicum graduate course at AUB, and designed AUB’s Scale-Up Readiness Program. He is also very active in the startup ecosystem serving as an affiliated instructor at Flat6Labs accelerator, and a Coach and Mentor at the IM-Capital Venture Mentoring Service (mentoring fledgling startups). Bijan earned his Ph.D. and Master’s degrees from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.

He had over 20 years of experience in the systems integration industry before re-joining academia. His research has been published in Journal of Strategic Information Systems, European Journal of Information Systems, Government Information Quarterly, Information Systems Journal, Journal of Global Information Management, and International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, America's Conference on Information Systems Proceedings as well as several practitioner publications. 

Prof. Michael Barrett  


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Michael is Academic Director of Cambridge Digital Innovation and a distinguished visiting professor for innovation at the Stockholm School of Economics. His research interests examine how digital technologies can be used to enable business innovation with a particular focus on financial services, healthcare, and international development. He has served as Senior Editor of MIS Quarterly, Information & Organization, Journal of the Association of Information Systems, and has been on the editorial board of Organization Science. His research has been published in journals such as Information Systems Research, MIS Quarterly, Accounting, Organizations and Society, Academy of Management Journal, and Organization Science. Michael primarily draws on practice-based theories for understanding digital innovation and transformation. He has also developed rhetorical strategies for understanding IT diffusion, and deploys longitudinal case study research as well as ethnography in doing qualitative studies. He continues to work in research and education for a number of organizations including Thomson Reuters, Statoil, China, BT, IBM, HP, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Coventry Building Society, Shell Exploration and the World Health Organization.

Prof. Alaric Bourgoin  


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A former senior consultant in business strategy, Alaric holds a doctorate in socioeconomics of innovation from the École des Mines de Paris. After a brief passage at Harvard, he is now Associate Professor in Management at HEC Montréal. His research focuses on management consulting, complex transformation, and performance.

Prof. Karl-Emanuel Dionne


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Karl-Emanuel Dionne's research is centered around cross-domain collaboration and knowledge work, the role of objects in collaboration, and innovation. He is particularly interested in exploring how social dynamics shape collaborative processes and how such processes may become more effective through the use of artifacts. As an Assistant Professor at HEC Montréal in the department of Entrepreneurship and innovation, he studies and teaches novel innovation approaches built on principles of openness such as hackathons, workshops and bottom-up innovation. His research is conducted in contexts of complex collaboration, mainly in the healthcare sector.

Prof. Marleen Huysman


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Marleen is director of the KIN Center for Digital Innovation at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and is head of the department of Knowledge, Information and Innovation. She studied Sociology at the Erasmus University Rotterdam and has a PhD in Business Economics on the topic of Organizational Learning and IT at the VU University. Marleen has been assistant professor at the department of Work and Organizational Psychology, TU Delft and associate professor Business Administration at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. 

Since 2006 she holds a chair in Knowledge and Organization at the School of Business and Economics. Marleen has been visiting scholar during her PhD at Stanford and in 2000-2001 she was a visiting scholar at the Technology and Innovation Management (TIM) group at Harvard Business School. Marleen conducts research in the following overlapping fields of research, all related to the development and use of digital innovation: new ways of working, technology in practice, knowledge sharing, - coordinating, development and integration. Her research has been published in various international journals and books and is a frequent speaker at academic and professional meeting in the field.

Prof. Mayur Joshi


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Mayur Joshi is an assistant professor of information system at the Telfer School of Management, University of Ottawa. He earned his PhD in information systems from Ivey Business School at Western University. He previously worked at Alliance Manchester Business School at the University of Manchester as a lecturer (assistant professor). Mayur’s research interests are at the intersection of information systems and organization theory, with a focus on the phenomenon of digital transformation. His overarching research question is how digital technologies shape and are shaped by the fundamental practices, processes, and strategies of organizing. Mayur’s research has appeared in the MIT Sloan Management Review and Cambridge Handbook of Qualitative Digital Research. He is the recipient of the AIS Outreach Practice Publication Award, and MIT Sloan Management Review annual top-10 articles recognition, among others. He regularly presents his research and organizes professional development workshops at leading conferences including the International Conference on Information Systems, the Academy of Management, and the European Group for Organizational Studies, among others.

Prof. Rohini Jalan


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Rohini Jalan is an assistant professor of Strategy & Organization at the Desautels Faculty of Management, McGill University. Her research focuses on the intersection of innovation and inclusion. More specifically, she explores how organizations, communities, and societies can develop and use technology in an ethical way, with particular attention to technology management in and for marginalized and under-resourced communities. Theoretically, she draws primarily on Organization Theory (OT) and Science and Technology Studies (STS), relying especially on concepts of institutions, infrastructuring, and social-symbolic work. Empirically, she has been examining the politics of technology design and access and the disparate impacts of technology strategy and innovation on stakeholders beyond corporations. Methodologically, she employs ethnographic techniques to ground my work in the lived experience of people developing, using, and distributing technological innovation. 

Prof. Steven L. Johnson


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Steven is an Associate Professor of Commerce at U. of Virginia McIntire School of Commerce in picturesque Charlottesville, Virginia. Dr. Johnson earned a B.S. in Computer Science and an M.B.A. from the College of William and Mary, and a Ph.D. from the Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland (2008). His doctoral dissertation studied the role of leadership in continued participation in online communities. His major research focus is online communities as a form of social media that supports organizational knowledge management. He also studies knowledge management in healthcare. Dr. Johnson’s research has appeared in Organization Science and at international conferences sponsored by leading academic organizations including the Academy of Management, the Association of Information Systems, and the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS). He teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in social media innovation, information technology management, business systems analysis, and business intelligence. He has created an undergraduate course on Social Media Innovation that includes a Social Media Innovation Quest.

Prof. Olga Kokshagina


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Olga Kokshagina is an Associate Professor in Innovation and Entrepreneurship at EDHEC Business School (France) and Adjunct Researcher at Monash University (Australia). She is an appointed member of the French Digital Council. Olga contributes to the EDHEC Foresight, Innovation and Transformation Chair and Management in Innovative Health Chair. Her research focuses on the areas of strategic management of design, open and radical innovation, entrepreneurship, and the role of digital technologies in transforming the nature of work. She holds a PhD in management science from Mines Paris PSL Research University. Her work appears in journals like Research Policy, Journal of Information Technology, Design Studies, Technological Forecasting and Social Change and California Management Review.  She is currently working with the World Health Organisation, using design strategies to improve the uptake and implementation of WHO guidelines.

Prof. Ann Langley


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Ann is Emerita Professor at HEC Montréal, where she held the Canada Research Chair in Strategic Management in Pluralistic Settings until August 2020. Her research deals with strategic processes and practices, with a particular emphasis on organizational change, decision making, leadership and innovation in pluralistic settings. She has a special interest in qualitative research methods. Ann completed her Ph.D. at HEC Montréal in 1987 after her undergraduate and master’s training in the United Kingdom and after having spent several years working in the private and public sectors as an analyst and consultant. She is currently Deputy Editor of Academy of Management Journal for qualitative research and co-editor, with Haridimos Tsoukas, of the book series Perspectives on Process Organization Studies, published by Oxford University Press. She was co-editor of the journal  Strategic Organization from 2009 to 2022. She has authored thirteen books and over eighty articles.

Prof. Paul Leonardi


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Paul is Department Chair and Duca Family Professor of Technology Management at UC Santa Barbara. He holds appointments in the Department of Technology Management and the Department of Communication. He is interested in how implementing new technologies and harnessing the power of informal social networks can help companies take advantage of their knowledge assets to create innovative products and services. Paul has authored more than 70 articles that have appeared in top journals across the fields of Management, Communication, and Information Systems. He is the author of four books on technological innovation and organizational change, including the award-winning, Car Crashes Without Cars and Technology Choices. His latest book, The Digital Mindset: What it Really Takes to Thrive in the Age of Data, Algorithms, and AI (co-authored with Tsedal Neeley) is available now.

Paul is a Fellow of the Academy of Management and a Fellow of the International Communication Association. He has won major awards for his research from the Academy of Management, the American Sociological Association, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the Association for Information Systems, the International Communication Association, the National Communication Association, and the National Science Foundation. He has also received two major teaching awards for graduate student mentorship and education.


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Paolo is an Assistant Professor of Social Innovation at NOVA SBE. His research focuses on the organizational dynamics that drive social innovation processes. Particularly, he explores how new forms of organizing can generate beneficial outcomes for society by fostering groundbreaking knowledge collaborations in settings as different as scientific innovation and new ventures. He currently teaches the master-level courses 'Organizing for Good in the Digital Age' and 'Open Innovation' at NOVA SBE.  He holds a PhD from McGill's Desautels Faculty of Management; an M.Phil. in Innovation, Strategy & Organization from Cambridge University; and a Laurea Magistrale in Giurisprudenza (5-year law degree) from Università Roma Tre. 

Prof. Ann Majchrzak

Email: ka

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Ann is the Associates' Chaired Professor of Business Administration at the Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California. She teaches and does research on digital innovation. She does policy research for U.S. government agencies, large and small non-profits, and corporations. Ann also does research on organizational and technological innovation, including studies on knowledge sharing, innovation, distributed cognition, emergent groups, virtual collaboration, collaboration in high-secure volatile environments, emergency response, and innovation challenges. 

She is a Fellow of the Association for Information Systems. She has held concurrent appointments at Esade Business School, Ramon Llull University (Barcelona, Spain) Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, LUISS School of Business and Management (Rome, Italy) and Simon Fraser University (Vancouver Canada) in the areas of Innovation and Organization. Throughout her career she has served in editorial roles for the field's top journals, including her stint as a senior editor for Organization Science from 2004 to 2020 and Management Information Systems Quarterly from 2011 to 2014. She has a 2020 book: Unleashing the Crowd: Collaborative Solutions for Wicked Business and Societal Problems, a Marshall webinar for 'Covid19 and small businesses', and a Tommy Talk on the subject.

Prof. Saku Mantere  


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Saku was trained as a high school philosophy teacher and telecommunications engineer before doing a PhD in Industrial Engineering and Management in Finland (in what is now called Aalto University). Now Associate Professor of Strategy and Organization at the Desautels Faculty of Management at McGill University and Associate Director at the Marcel Desautels Institute for Integrated Management, Saku’s research focuses on strategic organizations: on questions such as what it is that makes organizations strategic and how strategic management affects organizations. He is particularly interested in strategic change, middle management and organizational communication, as well as the methodology of studying management and organizations. 

Before moving to Montréal, Saku has taught at Warwick Business School, UK; Hanken School of Economics, Finland; Rouen Business School (now NEOMA Business School), France and Helsinki University of Technology (now Aalto University), Finland. Saku played a key role in the foundation of the Helsinki University of Arts as its first chairman of the board. His research has been published in the leading academic outlets for management and organization studies. Saku has been awarded multiple times for his teaching and research, most recently for his co-authorship of the best published paper in Organization and Management Theory (Academy of Management, 2015).

Prof. Stella Pachidi  


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Stella is an Assistant Professor in Information Systems at the University of Cambridge Judge Business School. Her research interests lie in the intersection of technology, work and organizing. Currently, her research projects include the introduction of algorithmic technologies such as analytics and artificial intelligence in organizations; managing challenges in the workplace with digitisation; and practices of knowledge collaboration across boundaries. She holds a PhD in Business Administration from VU University Amsterdam, a MSc in Business Informatics from Utrecht University, and a MSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering from National Technical University of Athens. 

She has articles in Information systems and organisation journals and books including Organization Science, Information and Organization, Organization Theory, Journal of the Association for Information Systems, MIS Quarterly Executive, Computers in Human Behavior, and The Routledge Companion to Management Information Systems. Dr Pachidi is a member of the editorial review board of Information and Organization and is currently guest editor of the Journal of Management Studies special issue on “Artificial Intelligence: Organizational Possibilities and Pitfalls”. In 2021, Dr Pachidi was listed by Poets & Quants in their list of “Best 40 Under 40 Professors”.

Prof. Hani Safadi


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Hani is an Associate Professor in the Department of Management Information Systems at the Terry College of Business, University of Georgia. He is interested in understanding the role technology plays in organizing work and producing innovations that were traditionally conceived within the boundaries of established firms and businesses. His research lies at the intersection of open-innovation and healthcare technology. Hani has worked and consulted on diverse projects including projects involving social networks and healthcare IT. He is also involved in research projects that seek to develop a better understanding of relationships among members in online communities and social media, especially when these relationships are primarily or even exclusively sustained through online interaction. 

Prior to his PhD from Desautels Faculty of Management, McGill University, he held a Bachelor's degree in Engineering from Damascus University and a Master's degree in Computer Science from McGill University. 


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Karla is an Assistant Professor (University Lecturer) in the Organisation Theory & Information Systems subject group at Cambridge Judge Business School. Her research examines how experts coordinate their work under conditions of uncertainty, rapid change and complexity. She also studies how emerging technologies and spaces transform work and organizing. Karla’s recent fieldwork followed two of Canada’s largest tertiary care hospitals as they merged their specialty units and relocated onto a newly built and equipped CAN$ 3 billion super hospital facility. The papers emerging from this ethnography have won a best paper award, two best student paper awards and a paper of merit award at the Academy of Management (AOM), the Organisational Behaviour in Health Care (OBHC) conference and the Administrative Science Association of Canada (ASAC). Her co-authored paper in Information and Organization entitled ‘Working and organizing in the age of the learning algorithm’ is among the journal’s most cited papers. 

Prior to her academic career, Karla spent over 12 years in strategy consulting, real estate private equity, venture funding and executive university administration. Karla holds a BS in Economics, summa cum laude, from the Wharton School, a BA in Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, summa cum laude, from the University of Pennsylvania, an MBA with distinction from Yale University and a PhD in Management from McGill University.

Prof. Anastasia Sergeeva


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Anastasia is an Associate Professor at the Knowledge, Information and Innovation (KIN) Research Group, School of Business and Economics, VU University Amsterdam. She holds a PhD in Management from the Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg State University and a Masters in Management from the same school. Her research interests include technology-mediated organisational change, transformation of professional work and emergence of new forms of organising due to digital technologies. Anastasia's research has been published in MIS Quarterly, Journal of Management Inquiry, Human Resource Management Journal and Health Informatics Journal. Inspired by professional background in healthcare management, she has a special interest in the impact of technology on work in healthcare settings.

Prof. Takumi Shimizu


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Takumi is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Policy Management, Keio University. He is interested in new forms of collaboration, organization, and innovation enabled by digital technologies. His current research interests include online communities, digital transformation, digital organizational culture, hybrid work, diversity and inclusion, and the future of work and practice. He has presented his work at leading conferences such as Academy of Management (AOM), Strategic Management Society (SMS), Academy of International Business (AIB), and Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS). He has received multiple awards including Best Published Paper Award at Journal of the Japan Society for Management Information, Keio SFC Faculty Award, Waseda  University Presidential Teaching Award, Excellence in Teaching Award from the Desautels Faculty of Management, McGill University, and Best Reviewer Awards from Academy of Management and Americas Conference on Information Systems. 

Prior to joining Keio University, Takumi worked as an Associate Professor at Waseda University in Shinjuku, Tokyo and as an instructor at McGill University. He taught courses related to business data analytics, organization theory, and digital innovation. Before his academic career, he also worked for Roland Berger as a strategy consultant.

Dr. Nasrin Sultana


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Nasrin got her PhD in administration from the Department of International Business at HEC Montreal in Summer 2024. She has been investigating the artificial intelligence (AI) ecosystem and the Life Science and Health Technology (LSHT) ecosystem in Quebec to understand the context of innovation in healthcare using AI. Part of her doctoral research, titled "Open Innovation for Sustainability in Healthcare" is funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Doctoral Fellowship. In her postdoctoral research, she plans to expand her research and delve deeper into the context, and therefore, will be investigating the context of "Implementation of artificial intelligence for achieving sustainability in healthcare" under the supervision of Dr. Samer Faraj. This research is also funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Postdoctoral Fellowship.