News & Events

Prof. Samer Faraj was one of the keynote speakers at Warwick Summer School on Practice-Based Studies on July 9-11, 2024

Posted by: Zhuoyue Pang, September 24, 2024

Prof. Samer Faraj was one of the keynote speakers at Warwick Summer School on Practice-Based Studies in the UK. Prof. Samer Faraj discussed  the impact of emerging "intelligent" technologies on organisational practices and processes.

Prof. Samer Faraj was one of the convenors at the European Group for Organizational Studies Conference on July 4-6, 2024

Posted by: Zhuoyue Pang, September 6, 2024

Prof. Samer Faraj was one of the convenors at the European Group for Organizational Studies Conference. Prof. Samer Faraj, Prof. Christine Moster, and Prof. Georg Fredrik von Krogh shared the theme of Rethinking Organizational Knowledge in Unsettling Times: People, Technology, and Knowing.

Prof. Takumi Shimizu obtained his Ph.D. degree on May 30, 2024

Posted by: Zhuoyue Pang, Ju  5, 2024

Prof. Takumi Shimizu, a Ph.D. candidate at the McGill University Desautels Faculty of Management, obtained his Ph.D. degree on May 30, 2024. Takumi's committee chair is  Professor Samer Faraj. Congratulations!

Edie Pearman shared research on healthcare access at Integrated Management Student Fellowship Showcase Day on April 5, 2024

Posted by: Zhuoyue Pang, July 2, 2024

At Integrated Management Student Fellowship (IMSF) Showcase Day, Edie Pearman shared her research on navigating the datascape of healthcare access in Quebec.

Prof. Samer Faraj and his coauthors published  an editorial essay about large language models and the future of organization theory in the Journal of Organizational Theory

Posted by: Zhuoyue Pang, April 29, 2024

In the Journal of Organizational Theory in 2024, Prof. Joep Cornelissen, Prof. Markus A. Höllerer, Prof. Eva Boxenbaum, Prof. Samer Faraj, and Prof. Joel Gehman published an editorial essay about large language models and the future of organization theory. In this editorial essay, they explore the potential of large language models (LLMs) for conceptual work and for developing theory papers within the field of organization and management studies. They offer a technically informed, but at the same time accessible, analysis of the generative AI technology behind tools such as Bing Chat, ChatGPT, Claude, and Gemini, to name the most prominent LLMs currently in use.

Prof. Samer Faraj presented at Cambridge Judge Business School on April 10, 2024

Posted by: Zhuoyue Pang, April 29, 2024

At Cambridge Judge Business School, Prof. Samer Faraj had a presentation on Beyond Hype: AI Technology in the Transformation of Healthcare. Building from a field study of AI implementation in surgery scheduling, this research will address the emerging issue of AI’s rapid deployment in hospitals and clinical settings. This study will conclude with reflections on how likely technologies such as AI can foster improved collaboration and organisational efficiency in healthcare services.

Prof. Samer Faraj was one of the keynote speakers at the Organisational Behaviour in Health Care Conference on April 3, 2024

Posted by: Zhuoyue Pang, April 28, 2024

Prof. Samer Faraj was one of the keynote speakers at the Organisational Behaviour in Health Care Conference (#obhc2024) in Oslo on April 3, 2024. Marjolaine Rostain and @H_DigInnovation presented fieldwork on the AI-doctor relation in colonoscopy.

Group on Complex Collaboration has its BricoLab meeting with Prof. Saku Mantere, Prof. Karla Sayegh, and Xian Zhu on March 27, 2024

Posted by: Zhuoyue Pang, March 28, 2024

First, Prof. Karla Sayegh and Xian Zhu shared their research on "the work of rules: how organizations negotiate rules to address disruptions." Second, Prof. Saku Mantere led the discussion on two forthcoming papers on AI: (1) Managerial Agency and Management Education in the Era of Artificial Managers; and (2) From the Editors: Large Language Models and the Future of Organization Theory.

Nasrin Sultana received funding through the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Postdoctoral Fellowships competition on February 29, 2024

Posted by: Zhuoyue Pang, Mar  11, 2024

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) offered Nasrin Sultana funding through the SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowships competition, based on her research about "Implementation of artificial intelligence for achieving sustainability in healthcare". Congratulations to Nasrin and welcome to join the Group on Complex Collaboration!

Group on Complex Collaboration has its BricoLab meeting with Simon Altmejd and Prof. Mitali Banerjee on February 21, 2024

Posted by: Zhuoyue Pang, Feb  21, 2024

In the meeting, we had two speakers. First, Simon Altmejd shared his research "Designing Algorithms to Decentralize Authority: Tensions from the Field." Then, Prof. Mitali Banerjee presented her paper using deep learning method to conceptualize and empirically tested the existence of a creative ideal in the context of early 20th-century modern art.

Anand Bhardwaj won the 2024 CSSO Dissertation Award on February 20, 2024

Posted by: Zhuoyue Pang, Feb  21, 2024

Anand Bhardwaj won the 2024 CSSO (McGill Center for Strategy Studies in Organizations) dissertation award, based on his proposal for his project about developing AI for healthcare organization's scheduling. Congratulations!

Prof. Mayur Joshi visited the Group on Complex Collaboration on February 8, 2024

Posted by: Zhuoyue Pang, Feb  12, 2024

Prof. Mayur Joshi visited the Group on Complex Collaboration on February 8, 2024. Mayur Joshi is an assistant professor of information system at the Telfer School of Management, University of Ottawa. Mayur’s research interests are at the intersection of information systems and organization theory, with a focus on the phenomenon of digital transformation. His overarching research question is how digital technologies shape and are shaped by the fundamental practices, processes, and strategies of organizing. 

Prof. Samer Faraj gave a talk at the CHUM Ecole de L’Intelligence Artificielle on AI in health on January 31, 2024

Posted by: Zhuoyue Pang, Feb  1, 2024

Prof. Samer Faraj gave a talk at the CHUM Ecole de L’Intelligence Artificielle on AI in healthcare on January 31, 2024. His topic was about "Coordination de la santé et de l’IA".

Prof. Takumi Shimizu presented his thesis defense on December 14, 2023

Posted by: Zhuoyue Pang, Dec  30, 2023

Prof. Takumi Shimizu, a Ph.D. candidate at the McGill University Desautels Faculty of Management, presented his thesis defense entitled "Sustaining Knowledge Interaction in Online Communities: A Longitudinal Field Study of a Professional Medical Community" on December 14, 2023. Takumi's committee chair is  Professor Samer Faraj. Congratulations!

Group on Complex Collaboration held a farewell party to visiting Ph.D. candidate Tomislav Karacic on December 6, 2023

Posted by: Zhuoyue Pang, Dec 15, 2024

Group on Complex Collaboration held a farewell party to visiting PhD candidate Tomislav Karacic on December 6, 2023. Tomislav is a PhD candidate at the KIN Center for Digital Innovation of the School of Business and Economics at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. In September 2024, he will join the London School of Economics and Political Science as an assistant professor.

MGPO434 students conducted final presentation at the CHUM Pierre-Péladeau Amphitheater on December 4, 2023

Posted by: Xian Zhu, Feb 27, 2024

MGPO434 students finished their final presentation at the CHUM Pierre-Péladeau Amphitheater. MGPO434 "Emerging Technologies: Organizing and Societal Stakes" is an undergraduate course offered by Prof. Samer Faraj. Prior to 2023 Fall semester, the course was offered in Winter 2022 (by Prof. Samer Faraj) and Winter 2023 (by Dr. Anand Bhardwaj) and highly rated.

Prof. Samer Faraj has been named a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada’s Academy of Social Science in November 2023

Posted by: Zhuoyue Pang, Jan  10, 2024

Congratulations to Professor Samer Faraj on being named a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada (RSC) Academy of Social Sciences! He is among the 19 McGill University researchers honored by the RSC Fellowship in 2023. The RSC comprises over 2,400 Canadian scholars, artists, and scientists who are peer-elected as leaders in their field and have made remarkable contributions to the arts, the humanities, the sciences, and Canadian public life.

* The photo includes four of the 2023 fellows. From left to right: Joelle Pineau, Samer Faraj, Alberto Cambrosio, and Jocelyn Maclure.